Life is a mystery, and we are walking the pathless path that leads us to our most authentic selves, to the place of meaning, joy, and connectedness. Yoga provides a unique technology and framework to support this journey. 

You may be going through:

✧ Physical pain 

✧ Emotional pain

✧ Losing a sense of direction in life and observing your world crumbling apart 

✧ The dark night of the soul and ego death

Walking the path can be difficult, painful, and scary. An individualized Yoga practice that includes movement, breath work, and meditation provides a safe place to explore and allows to:

✧ Feel connected with your body

 ✧ Feel connected with your emotions

✧ Feel free and inspired

✧ Align fully with your purpose


Embark on your Yoga journey with Esther:

✧ discuss your objectives

✧ look at your goals through the lens of yoga

✧ receive a personalized daily yoga practice that includes movement, breathing, and meditation

✧ witness your practice evolve along your transformation

Schedule a free call to learn more.

Our practice continues to grow with referrals from our clients.

MANY THANKS for your trust and confidence!

“It is with profound gratitude and respect that I write this testimonial for Esther Bogatova, whose expertise in yoga therapy has been nothing short of transformative for me. From our very first session, it was evident that Esther possesses an unparalleled depth of knowledge and intuition in the art and science of yoga therapy.

What sets her apart, however, is not just her technical proficiency, but her profound ability to connect, understand, and cater to the unique needs and challenges of each individual. With patience, compassion, and genuine care, she has guided me on a journey of physical rejuvenation and emotional healing.

I've studied yoga on my own on and off for the past 18 years but it wasn't until under her tutelage that I was also able to find sanctuary for my mind. Her holistic approach, which seamlessly melds ancient yoga wisdom with contemporary therapeutic techniques, has imparted me with tools to handle stress, anxiety, and life's daily challenges with grace and equanimity.

I wholeheartedly recommend Esther to anyone seeking a deeper, more meaningful connection to their own body, mind, and soul. In a world filled with quick fixes and superficial solutions, she stands out as a beacon of genuine healing and transformation.”

— Gina R.

“ I worked with Esther one on one to develop a daily practice that was tailored just for me. She has a gift for asking the right questions to discover which movements and breathing techniques will help facilitate your connection with your inner self. I was invited to participate in a group yoga therapy class recently that was focused on "recovering your joy". This class was concentrated on connecting with you inner joy through breathing, movement and meditation. I loved it so much that I repeated the class again as soon as it was available. All the techniques I learned while working with Esther have helped bring calm and peace into my life.”

— Laurie R.

“My preconceived notions of what yoga is and what it could do for me, or rather, what it couldn’t do for me, were melted away by Esther. She is an instructor who met me exactly where I am in flexibility, health, and mind, and she has led me gently toward an easier and pain-free life. My planter fasciitis has healed through the gentle exercises she gave me, and the long walks I’ve always enjoyed are a part of my life once again. The morning stiffness I have had for the last five years has completely disappeared. It feels like a miracle to have a pain-free and more flexible body. Esther’s depth of knowledge, patience, kindness, and attention to detail with no judgment keep me engaged, and I always look forward to our sessions.”

— Susan E.

“Esther made me feel very comfortable during our sessions (not an easy feat)! Through each session I found it easier to find moments of peace and relaxation thanks to her guidance through her clear instruction, soothing voice, and focus on the flow of breath and movement. Esther is not only knowledgeable but her kindness, patience, and acceptance make her a beautiful person to be around.”

— Kirsti J.

Listen to the conversation between Esther and her teacher Chase Bossart in which they discuss Yoga's ability to uncover a deeper understanding of our Self and how that redefines our being in the world, the nature of embodied philosophy, the role of study complementing practice, Kabbalah, identity, and the meaning of īśvarapraṇidhāna.


Yoga Philosophy Illustrated

"The beauty of the Sūtra is that they are only related to the mind. Thus, they stand above various religions and can be studied and related to by all types of persons from all types of religions."

- TKV Desikachar on Yogasūtra Chapter One

There are many definitions of Yoga.

Yoga is a yoke.

Yoga is samādhi.

Yoga is a union with the Divine.

.. and many more ..

How about - Yoga is The Impossible!?

Yoga uncovers something beyond the rational mind and its limited understanding.

When the mind finally short-circuits and gives up,

a whole new way of being presents itself.

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